Saturday, 15 December 2012

Cold Mornings Are Better Than No Mornings At All

Cold mornings are better than no mornings at all,
So further in from any dawn of the soul,
Have you ever tried to live in black orbs?
Entrapped in the vast land of your empty corpse
There, reality becomes a set of arbitrary rules,
With your jobs, hospitals, stores and schools,
Enforced to keep an illusion of being alive,
Designed especially for you to survive,
But survival is an instinct you buried deep
When you first felt the darkness creep
And the universe revealed its angry face
Inside you and it settled in its place,
Then it started mutating and multiplying
And you found no alternative to bluntly lying
To convince the mornings to come anew
Tell them they haven't completely lost you,
But nights aren't dead, they're more like dying,
Heart quickly sinking and soul slowly flying,
All the crying and the laughter of your loved ones,
Does nothing for you to pull up the deceased suns
The cradle is empty, the grave is empty as well,
And you have an entire life that you need to sell,
Its your purpose that justifies all your sins,
So you plea to god for just one last win,
Sell your life, sell your soul, sell it for odes,
The night has already fallen on all the roads,
So walk all you want, the night is the night,
And kick all you want, and fight the good fight
Fight with your honor and lose it in a toss,
Dream frantically of your next great loss,
And water your chains, bring forth the rust,
I'll get stabbed in the front if its all about trust,
I'll lay my neck down for you if you promise,
That your blade will follow through and never miss,
You see, my poetry is broken and it's all the same,
Say the night, obsession, death and your name,
Say the pain and the chain and a kiss goodnight
The storms of cold and lava streaming bright,
And I still live in a black orb that I built,
While the sun is tired of living in guilt
That it cant warm me anymore, so it left,
And my heart has carried a lute bereft,
And played dirges down every street,
A Pied Piper with quick jolly feet,
Leading all my ghosts around my town,
Taking them to the bloody river to drown,
Taking all the time he needs with me,
Do whatever you want but don't set me free,
I can still make more ghosts to love here,
And if my guilt dries up there's always fear,
So don't you worry about me going sane,
There's no salvation for those who love pain,
As long as the chains dangle from the trees,
And my heart quickens and I fall to my knees,
My will flees and takes with it the light,
And I can't sleep without my ghosts overnight,
And lustrous moons become where I rise to fall,
So cold mornings are better than no mornings at all.

Monday, 3 December 2012

50's housewife

Is your poison alright, honey?
I made it specially for you,
I sure it'll worth all your money,
But i'll give it to you for free so

I guarantee there's no stopping
After you take your first mouthful,
So do you want more poison topping?
No worries love you'll never run full.

Can you taste the sweet flavor of pain,
With a hint of fear on the side?
I know the rasp regret doesn't wane,
And goes nicely with the torture inside.

I poured love into it, sealed it with kisses,
To infect your heart with my heated breath
Break your ribs too as it never misses,
Don't you always just love to feel my death,

Don't you enjoy delicious painful twists,
Of your own most favorite medicine,
Your limbs will tense and your head rests,
Your heart will submit to my every sin.

My every whim, your holding string,
Drink more love for there's plenty to go,
Ghosts in your eyes will dance and sing,
But you'll bow at the end of the show

For me, this is finger licking good,
And you'll enjoy every bit of that taste,
Bitter on your lips and throat where it should
Linger forever and never go to waste.

My poison is passionate and new,
And has a hypnotizing effect,
Strong on the will and endured by few,
Masterfully concocted to be perfect.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sonnet III: Best Nightmare of My Life

It was the best nightmare of my whole life,
He crept from behind and covered my mouth,
And against my neck veins he held his sharp knife,
I felt my voice fleeting and heart sinking south,
He burned my home down and left me in ashes,
He kissed my lips and cut them with his teeth,
His serpentine legs pin me, his tongue smashes,
His chest wraps my heart in protecting sheath,
I had no will to scream, no will at all,
I was in a state of sleep within sleep,
And he was real in every realm I fall,
He was the secret that I vowed to keep,
And still I love him with each fading breath,
For the best nightmare of my life is death.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Why Did They Leave You Alive?

That dark day when the demons kidnapped you,
To your mind, Why did they leave you alive?
When all seven came for you, you unaware
Up until you stood with all your limbs bare
Before the devil himself, staring down at you,
Why do you think he let you survive?

The snort the demons gave throwing you out,
More humiliating than death itself,
How many nights you've secretly mused on it,
Drunk on your pain, they bite you and they spit,
You don't have to admit it to me, I'm not in doubt,
The truth of your solitary nights only matters to yourself.

Did they let you go because you're strong?
Or you're weak? Too brutal or too meek?
The devil has a plan for your mortal spiraling soul,
He left it for another kind of slowly controlled fall,
Don't flirt with the thought of freedom for you don't belong,
Of the land of freemen you shall never speak.

Pull on the string and then another string,
Don't they feel good around your neck veins,
Enjoy the torture, it's why you were left alive,
Enjoy how on your suffocation the devil will thrive,
Smile for the gentleman and accept what he'll bring,
For he's the one holding the keys to your chains.

And that dark day the demons kidnapped you,
They did not want to keep you alive,
Because all the seven did not really care,
But with you exposed only the devil could dare,
To see himself when he stared down at you,
So he hung your soul on the wall and let you survive.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


I still remember that night long ago,
A Ruby came to me in my sleep- When,
I was closer to death than life- As though
It represented my odd heart back then.

I woke up to make sure it's still beating,
Terrified that it had fully hardened,
That the scarlet of my blood is fleeting,
Then none of my sins would ever be pardoned.

For my hands are cold and my feet are cold,
And like the Jewel everything did shine,
They had no life of their own, though they're old
Their shallow passions dare not cross a line.

With a jacket to shield my solid heart,
It's as good a night for a stroll as any,
I stop at the bridge, the river takes part,
musing my monochromatic desires many.

Desires might have once given me my blood,
But now it has also given me disease,
No more do I let the Ebbs of the flood
Wash over my heart simply as they please.

Foot by foot I climbed the rusty railing,
If floods won't come then to them I shall go,
I'll exchange drowning for my safe sailing,
If it will warm me with the overflow.

The cold of the water pierces my skin,
Unable to reach my precious jewel,
My lungs fill with water as I breathe in,
I hope this torment means that all is well.

My breath seizes first and then my senses,
One by one replaced by numbing pleasure,
As death's grip around my neck tenses,
And it's time to reveal my hidden treasure.

The Ruby rays invade the river's dark,
A scarlet Sun from a distant universe,
I sink deeper it lessens not the spark,
Death was the only way to break my curse.

From that night on, the Ruby's pulsating
Whenever it visits in my sleep,
It speaks to me in colors competing,
And the river is my secret to keep.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Today I revisited my past and I looked at all the things I've been rejected and brought to my knees for, on all the things I've believed or been made to believe are wrong with me, what I have been made to feel inferior and worthless for.
For the first time ever, they made me smile because now I have closure to all of them. I heard the sound of your voice ringing in my ear saying that you love me and it forgives all those tasteless years and wraps a warm blanket around my cold feet... I don't have to worry about those insecurities anymore, because time after time you've kissed them goodbye, and I get to sleep with the taste of your lips and without any of them. Now I realize, I haven't cried myself to sleep since you came into my life.
You, my love, make me thank God for all the suffering on my path that he sent you to heal and you make me thankful for the healing and the scars. I'm proud of the scars and I'm more proud that they will always be a reminder of what I've been through to get to you.
I shouldn't feel worried or scared of being unloved anymore, of being misunderstood and taken for granted, or even afraid I'd grow old and die alone and with bitterness in my heart where should have been love. Because your voice will always be in my ears, my eyes looking into yours and our hands glued together for this life and all lives to come... All because you saw me, all because of the love we no longer know how to survive without, the love that makes every other dream become secondary to it.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Sonnet II: Where faith will take you, there you shall find dreams

Where faith will take you, there you shall find dreams
All dressed up fancy, lining paths anew,
I shall not draggle fear across their stream,
Tread on them fiercely until I only have few,
Your dreams are treasures left alone for years,
Their eyes fly open bridging souls to life,
The souls awake, deliver us from tears,
Deliver us from laughter, from the strife,
I shall not fear their strange deliverance,
I’ll look upon my faith in dreams absurd,
I’ll take their hands and let them guide my dance,
May our feet take us where we can’t be scared,
I am the dreamer of the dream tonight,
I’m Questions and Answers, drenched in bright light.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Seek to be what you think you do deserve

Seek to be what you think you do deserve,
If you think you deserve kindness, be kind,
If you deserve passion, be passionate,
If you think you deserve blindness, stay blind,
Only the weak can't be compassionate.

Do not your virtue for later days reserve,
If you sought out the great pleasures of love,
You shall not find them in a hateful face,
Did birds ever find what they sought above
By staying meekly grounded in their place?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Incubus 3

Drink in the ruby of my burning vein
And let the world fall into our abyss,
Drink in the silver of my pain,
Let it wash over our hearts with Its bliss,
I will break in the sound of your thunder,
I will walk through your hurricane,
Brace myself as you take me under,
To drown me in an ocean of your rain
In your arms, I'm murdered and resurrected,
In your eyes, I'm redeemed  of all what's sane,
Madness is our territory and I'm infected
With virtue, so let vice extend its strain,
For you I'd walk hand in hand with death,
Let him drag me through every darkened lane,
Let your love strangle me to the very last breath,
Let me die for immortality, for freedom in my chain.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Wonderland of the Dead Girls

Come for me one more time
And watch my jaws clinch you in,
You think that I'm above the crime?
You'll just be another scar on my skin,
it's not your game, and you can not win.

It's not your soul, and you can't collect,
The beast has owned me long ago,
Long before you could even protect
Me, and I went along with no further ado,
A little girl in his castle in nowhere to grow,

A little girl following him down the street,
Following his twisted paths into the wood
Putting her footsteps on the trace of feet
That stained the muddy autumn with blood,
The devil has collected me long before the flood.

The devil has branded me with a fire,
And then left me with a flame to face the winter
It's normal, I know, preach to the choir,
I'm just one of them, rotten in the center,
And you expect me to bow when you enter.

And you expect me to have mercy,
And not lock you inside my deadly heaven,
To strip you on a tree trunk for all to see,
How I'll trace your veins open for all sins seven,
And you'll enjoy the blessings of my hearts given.

You'll enjoy being another brown ugly scar
On the walls of my decaying mortal matter,
You know, wanting everything can only take you so far,
Your soul slides into wonderland with the mad scatter
And what you thought was Alice has to be the mad hatter.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Kill Me

Kill Me,
Tears filled up her eyes,
And joy filled her tight chest,
Kill Me,
Before this moment dies
And rots like a sickened jest.

See Me,
Bare and Bound to your wall,
Weak as a autumn leaf, fallen,
See Me,
Look me right in the soul,
Its Dream is from your demons stolen.

Love Me,
Fire transcends in my heart,
And its smoke up high forms a cloud,
Love Me,
Because it was meant from the start,
Make me yours, make me proud.

Hate Me,
Her mind ran a thousand miles,
And fell into life's abyss,
Hate Me,
Before another angel smiles,
And turns all your hate into bliss.

Fight Me,
Don't give in to my eyes,
for if you do, then we both fall,
Fight Me,
Or like the smoke in the skies,
We'll dissipate quicker than we'll enthrall.

Understand Me,
When I silently beg you to,
When I'm struggling too hard to speak,
Understand Me,
And when I say that I love you,
Tell me you know the words are too weak.

Kiss Me,
Over a silent night's stream,
With a campfire burning deep within you,
Kiss Me,
Before you let out my final scream,
And winter kills my fire in you.

Kill Me,
If you will not set me free,
If you will not lock me down,
Kill Me,
If you'll not love me, take my love's debris,
To an ocean where a thousand corpses drown.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Home Of Cards

I lived in a Home of Playing Cards
And a giant Stonehenge in the center,
The druids come to visit with no regards
To what the walls scream when they enter,
There goes falling my Home of Cards,
Lost as a snowflake in deserts of winter,
The druids had passed all my golden guards,
And prayed for change from a stone inventor,
They passed through me, I resented the yards
And as they crossed, I loved each of them, a mentor
Who dreams of freedom demanded in shards
From a solid house that's such a quick fainter?

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Wolf's Collar

Gentle and light her footsteps fell,
On the shallow silent sleeping earth in a night
Dead and where the cold is bound to swell,
And send its warning to her skin in a bite,
She walked with her head bowed,
Her tight white cloak carefully contained
The fire of her red dress clear and loud,
Can the red truly by mere white be retained?
When the owls hooted, the moon shone
On her back and face, she learned of beauty
From the most invisible and distant creatures drawn,
And walking its path she had made to be her duty,
She held inside her the hidden fire,
To survive the black night's desire.

They howled from afar, she cared not,
But one was not as far as she thought,
Swift and lean from the hollow trees he could spot,
The white-cloaked virgin the night had brought,
He smiled to himself without a single sound,
She's not fooling him with her snow-colored cloak,
Her traces left burning leaves on the ground,
Her little hasty steps set sparks that could poke
A hidden desire behind his cold steel-hard face,
A dream long lost within his thickened skin,
And even from his curious place, her pace
as he listened, settled a battle and started a war within,
he held in his cold nature as well a hidden fire,
That she can't survive his black night's desire.

A crazed monster hurricane with cold bones,
He knew the wolves afar howled at the moon,
Announcing the virgin maiden nobody owns,
And they will come for her soon, too soon,
He strolled into her wide spread path,
She raised her eyes from his huge dexterous paws,
His eyes fixed on her, intense and a tormenting wrath
started as his teeth clinched tight in his jaws,
She froze in her place like it was impossible to turn
From his gaze staring right into her, she quivered,
And even though her skin feverishly did burn
Her whole body was overtaken and shivered,
The owls hooted no more and the moon grew dim,
All the beauty she ever looked for now resided in him.

Closer and closer he approached her until
He could clearly smell her untainted blood
The rush of anticipation while she stood still
That still made his water rise into a flood,
He raised his hands and she flinched in fear,
''Is he going to attack?'' but he had felt her knees
Growing weaker and so he held her near,
And brought her to the ground with sweeping ease,
She shook in his arms and then she stopped,
With a voice deep as an ocean inside ''Take off the cloak''
And the cloak she unlaced and dropped,
All what matters is what this magnificent creature spoke,
She obediently exposed to him her dress of Red,
Damned if she could talk back, she'd rather be dead.

The ice on his lips melted once it touched hers,
He looked down at her from above,
As every sign of night around them flares,
His touch, her silent longing, a great pertaining love,
He held down every attempt she put up to fight,
And drowned every sound with invoking the next one,
Soon there was nothing left of the childish white,
Instead she drank in his soul, and she rose in him a sun,
And as the howls of the wolves faraway
Turned into wails growing stronger with their fire,
Burning the woods, alight like it's the mid of day,
He carried her on his silver back to a secret lair to retire,
The virgin bowed her neck to his collar and his chain,
And ever since, they were never seen again.

Monday, 20 August 2012

When My Soul Left

Have you ever felt like you're not yourself?

You're being remade at this very moment,
Your past doesn't mean more than a dusty shelf
A laugh forgotten, a tear long dried,an empty comment.
Your soul is being poured into the air,
''Where are you going?'' you ask
''Whom are you leaving me for?'' worn and bare,
There's nothing but a hollow rusty mask
A mask that is all too familiar to hate,
''Temporary'',your soul answers, ''I'll be back,
You'll not die tonight, it's not your fate,
I'll go in and out of you in waves of black''
Like an old tavern that has been dead for ages, 
Only ressurected by the ghosts of drunkenness
And sent to sleep by the sober prayers of sages,
Sweeping a light across the horizon of darkness,
I'm being reinvented and only my beating heart
Is circulating inside me the bleeding campfire
Of  life into the night of ghost stories, till I depart,
And my soul, the sacred pit of dreaming desire,
The grimacing hurricane in a stagnating town,
Looking after my fleeting existence from within,
And leaving me just so in his oceans I'd drown
I'd stand beside him forever until the decay of my skin,
Go forth and bring back with you a dream,
That suits my gleaming heart in his hand,
Go forth and bring back a sparkling stream
Of northern stars breaded into a thickened strand,
And then enter me and settle inside me
Wrap around us the covers of serenity,
My arm reaches out for a universe so free
And ruled only by his sweeping sound's clarity.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Sonnet I: I Asked Myself Why Poets Die So Young

The Funeral of Shelley By Louis Edouard Fornier

I asked myself why poets die so young,
There, Shelley, Keats, there Plath and Byron, gone-
Fighting death with no more than a soulful tongue,
In lands where beauty from a critic’s hand is drawn,
A world that took a gamble on their souls,
And death that bowed to their immortality,
‘Tween realism’s and romanticism’s two poles,
Their chains are tight round their heart’s vitality,
Secure in freedom as the world is in prison
A threat to universe’s stagnation by mere words
They lived for, and when God took a sun that’s risen,
It left no reason to keep away night's swords
I fear not the death of poets, I long for it,
Ah! come its call, gladly I will submit.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Philosopher's Stone

A celestial cage in the sky,
That's where I gracefully reside,
Cast away from the folded eyes,
For I am where all elements collide.

Amidst Water, a million times my ancestor,
And my descendant a million times,
Then in Fire, my beloved tormentor,
Boiling thy very core of my rhyme.

Turn me to vapor, Air flying free,
Forming a halo of sacred profanity
Brought back down by nature Earthly
A proof of my substantial humanity.

Away, every world hath tried to hide me,
And all of them hath indeed, failed,
For though, I am no where to be,
For those with eyes wide, I'm prevailed.

In thy heart of every shining soul,
In thy core of the seed in every mind,
I am thy other end of every heeding call,
I am all what thou art set to find.

Thy purest form of thy purest,
In a million ways aimed for
And never once achieved, thy truest
Treasure a man will explore.

Passers are many, It's me they're after,
Art thou a king looking for gold?
Art thou a lost sage looking for an alter?
Or art thou a student awaiting truth to unfold?

Thou shalt know, you needn't stray far,
Maybe as far as heaven to find out,
That I am within thee, in every star,
In thine soul's night to clear thy doubt.

So stand up to thy furnace and thy shelf,
Face thy imperfection of ruby, mercury and lead,
And find in nature and thine self,
What can't be taught, read or said.

Feel for thy universes as they enthrall
At thine touch and align perfectly for thee,
Thou art a quintessence of The World's Soul,
Thou art me in the making, and I thee.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Pentagram and Wing

The pen has fallen silent
Once again, why has it fallen?
Dear god, the light is so violent
On a heart from misery stolen.

Has vacuum kept away the sound
Of the poetry-singing ghosts?
Has it really locked them underground?
Or has it covered the sound at most?

And if this is a vacuum truly
Then why are the words burning high?
Why have the birds of heaven newly
Replaced the bats of the night sky?

And their songs I can hear
Ever more clear, ever more serene,
So unfamiliar, And the tantalizing fear,
A phantom lurking in the shadows unseen.

Still his shade falls on me when I'm alone
and It makes my thin skin crawl,
Sitting on a mighty freshly new throne
It's up to me to prevent an entire empire's fall.

Enter, the only welcomed warming sound,
That matters when I'm drenched in doubt,
Love, your way home, you have found
I wonder if you'll ever want to find your way out?

Your voice is hope that shines ,
In the clanking sounds of fears,
And it goes right through my spine,
To guide me to where all strength appears.

So will you hold up with me our empire?
Will you send my doubt to the bottom of the ocean?
Do you understand my singing, my desire,
The dreams, the passion always set in motion?

I'm living on a land between a shining pentagram
and a rusty angel's wing
Between all the crashing waves of bliss and damn
Where do I get the courage to sing?

We live in a world where the questions are many,
and the answers are rather few,
In our faith and love we find our plenty,
But plenty is nothing if not for you.

The pen might fall, but the soul does not,
The pen might sleep, But I live on
My soul is too alive to rot,
And I can see the signs of the first dawn.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

My Tied Tongue

I don't have anything to give
Except myself, so please forgive
My fleeting words and tied tongue,
Trapped in the narrow paths of my lung,
The roads of faithlessness unfolded,
In the vast meadows of my mind molded,
Dispersing and merging over the years,
Into a maze of endless hopes and fears,
And tears and blood and laughs and skies
That cover the dreams behind my eyes,
My heart fought ruthlessly throughout time,
To shed on the grey a light sublime
Enough to end the silence of my war,
That broke out years and years before,
Enough to stab the plague in the heart,
And revive my faith to its early start,
Where art and love and death are one,
And life was a painting that I had just begun,
On a canvas spreading and white as snow,
With my soul a palate with a spectrum's glow,
And the flow of things dart across and shine,
A sharpened spear in a perfect line,
On its tail the flame made immortal by winds,
A passion fueling it by a strength that transcends
The seen to the power of the great unseen
To the mystery of the unknown,
To all the misery of the world outgrown,
And the stone of the cage melts and drowns,
The heart bows and the king it crowns,
The roads of faithlessness fold back
On themselves and then thrown into black,
To clear the spirit for paths anew,
Truth is simple and my love is true,
Let the mazes serve to find my truth,
Let the old paths serve to revive my youth,
Let the hand hold what the soul imagined,
Let all the fear of the past and the hopes cherished
For the future, dissolve in the present,
And let me relish in a warmth pleasant,
May the world find peace at the doors of my mind
May I deliver my heart sealed and signed,
To grant at least one other soul what it deserves,
And cater to him until my last thriving nerve.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Grow Back The Sun

I opened my eyes and darkness closed them
I opened my soul and my soul was dim
Who turned off the lights?
I've drowned in the screams and blood of fights
And my heart rode on the back
Of butterflies ten thousand and black
Until off their backs it went on falling
In the sound of a fate that has been calling
What do you see that I can not see?
How can the fall ever set me free?
I believe, Dear god, I do believe
That faith can only truth conceive
Because I believe, so I do perceive
That my love will only love receive
I will allow the fall to carry me deeper
To find my own heart, and finder's keeper
And once I do, like a shooting arrow
I'll shoot it high in twisted paths and narrow
From the oceans of dark water and debris
It will burst into the sky, strong and free
And be it dark or hollow up in the sky
My passion will keep it running high
Up in space, who turned on the lights?
My soul floats around me wide and bright
I saw you loading your gun cold as stone
I saw you shooting my heart off its throne
But the star you shot from your violent gun
Has finally helped me grow back the sun
Go forth, my phoenix, the legacy has just begun
Now watch me grow back ten thousand suns.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

I Loved a Poet

Where is death when you need it?
Where does it hide from our nightly cries?
He spares our necks when we prey his sword is fit,
And when we reach for sunshine, the sun itself dies,

He sat to his wooden old desk in light so dim,
He picked up his pen and rested his tensed chin
His elbow resting on spots of ink that turned grim,
Night is carving into the metal of his mind,
And paleness of his skin.
He gazed outward to the world and inside
Into his own land of robot-shaped dreams
And in his eagle heart, even in a desert's tide
He's quick to fly, and rare to return,
He'd be mad to ever return willingly to screams.
He watched a distant imaginary fire burn,
And with it his soul caught the light,
A true poet his soul can be when forced to yearn,
And like every other poet it's never clear,
Until a pen ignites the letters strong and bright.
So he kisses his pen and rolls his tear,
He waves his heart and catches every sign
Of life, strolling thought, stray dream, raging fear,
And it pulls him from ocean to sky to land ever so silently,
He writes a line following it down by another line.
They flow down his throat until he's drunk, an army violently
Reaches for a piece of his racing mind,
And he strangles it by the ink defacing white naturally,
It holds his soul up, above, higher,
So he can never see what he's left behind.
He always wins the race and the soldiers retire,
His chin relaxes and his pen relaxes,
And the paper will forever endure his poetry's fire,
The trees outside his window howl one last time,
And then they too succumb to his axes.
So he seals the end of his victorious rhyme,
On the envelope he writes a name,
And though to actually open it would be sublime,
The name on the envelope was never mine,
And if it were, nothing would ever be the same.

Where is death when you need it?
Where does it hide from our nightly cries?
I loved a poet but whatever his hands writ,
Was everyone else's, it never once my love implies.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


The Painting: Gustav Klimt- Love

In the midst of night, I found
My chains all split in half on the ground,
Who took away my shackle's sound?
Who had finally found the key,
To break them off and set me free?
Where could my dearest captor be?

Black, the world misunderstands you still,
Thou, the happiest color of their will,
Black, your power has made the world ill.

And I looked upon your soul that night,
And I saw your beauty deep and bright,
It held me years and years out of sight,
Your chains grew on me and inside,
They circled my heart and crossed my mind
What do I do when they all unbind?

Black, as concrete as they think you are,
Thou are a mystery to me as a star-
Black, as a black hole in a universe afar,

I can stay in my cave forever instead,
Nothing was ever wrong with my stone bed,
I'll wait here for my owner's wine and bread
My master has not come back yet,
The nights have gone through me cold and wet,
Years I've waited since we've last met,

Black, with all your hollowness and our fear,
Thou are the monster rising loud and clear
Black, will you spare us your sharpened spear?

And took off, I have, into the depth of you,
Out from the Labyrinth ruled by you,
And I conquered the lands destroyed by you.
You saw me, I know you did many a time,
I saw you in my house of mirrors and my rhyme,
Often enough I heard our voices chime.

Black, the home of all the homeless,
Thou are the darkness to cure the faithless,
Black, son of a song unbound and boneless.

My chains are gone, my master is gone,
My faith is barely alive in my backbone,
My lips are trembling with names of stone,
And the valley is deep and narrow and long,
And my mind keeps wondering if my feet are wrong,
And my love, Ah! The love beating painful and strong.

Black, the funeral of all things,
Thou, the origin of all beings,
Black,you are the victor on all kings.

I, the queen of the underworld, of caves,
Pass by every moonlit spring, all are graves
For dreams, and screams and pleasure in waves.
I pass by the mud where all the memories leech,
And take them onward wherever my foot will reach,
forwards and backwards and forwards, each gives each.

Black, every other color in you is slew
Thou are the end and the beginning of every hue,
Black, how they all reflect so strong in you.

You tried to kill a fire before, the fire still fought,
It took on every bout of ice you brought,
And lurked in every dream, fear and thought.
Until you learned to embrace my wildest fire,
And it became a power to which you aspire,
Freedom, O master black, is more than just a desire.

Black, who really knows your heart?
An enchained master? Or a slave's depart?
Black, thou are the muse lost in time's art.

Black, the beating core of hope and promise,
Thou are the teacher on the path of freedom's bliss,
Black, guide me into my new owner's abyss.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Two Voices In The Night

Two voices entwined in the night
And it owned them whole, though it set them free
Two voices and no one heard quiet
What the world did hear, what the world did see
Two voices, in two separate beds,
Two hearts, one soul pounding in two heads
Two throats at the mercy of tears
Courageous, strolling on a path of fears
All cleansed away, the night made sure
That with their own hands they find a cure
To all what has gone wrong, all the love
They’ve been denied, all what they strove-
For ended there at the feet of the dark
All the magic landed in this spark
And it lit up a light beyond the visible
''Hold me'' she said, but that wasn't feasible
So he held her in the only way possible,
He stretched his lung and got his heart
And it flowed, so sweet, pure like a start
Of a symphony, Oh sweet symphony
Engulfing us in your infectious harmony
What do you inflame but the stagnation
Of our souls, Symphony of passionate salvation
Beautiful enough to torment us,
Magical enough to make us
Forget all what the world can ever teach us
And drown in this bottomless ocean
Of knowledge, hand crafted wells of emotion
Neatly placed near the graves of childhood
Nearly traced all the way up by the sand
Almost dry, but not quiet,
Because the night is here, and when the night
Looks upon two voices and smiles,
The sand can’t dry this well, no matter how it piles,
The well swells up still and births a flood
Of faith and fire running high in our blood
There has to be more, it has to be longer
There has to be a way to make the moon stronger
For once and forever,
Break off every tether,
And lose all daylight in a rhyme,
Lose all daylight; it's just dead time,
Lose it in my hand, lose it in my eyes
Lose all what you can, for no body dies
When they allow themselves the freedom
To conquer the realms of a mythical kingdom
In their own selves, in their place,
But tonight acknowledges not time nor space
The hands of god has looked upon my prayers few
They’ve looked upon your prayers too
And I could hear the angels promising
That what I asked won't be for long missing
I just didn't care as to what they sang,
For opposite to my bed is where all my dreams hang,
Few short steps away,
Yet further than the light of day
Two voices in the darkness of the night
And he said, I will not survive a lonely bed
So would you rather stay instead,
If I promise I won't say goodnight?

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


At times like this we pray,
But we have no tongues,
What to do when all our ways
Are stacked in airless lungs?
At times like this we believe,
But we have no souls,
What can a man with little heart grieve
Without letting all his masks fall?
The hand of the poet sleeps,
In the faithless moments to dream,
Reality into the darkness seeps,
And it becomes one with his scream,
Not said but understood,
Not understood but surely known,
How can his eye willingly embrace the blood
When beauty took off its garments and shone?
Blood is the storyteller beneath the skin,
Blood is the silent pathways trapped,
Carrying trails of virtue and sin,
How when spilled can they by a poet be grabbed?
Early enough, to burn bright down the street,
Late enough, to destroy all what they touch,
They run and curve and under his feet
They stop, Ah! Why begin a flow as such?
The poet wanders, the city falls dead,
And he, alone, a prayer so silent,
At the last place a word rests her head,
His temptress muse, gone into a vacuum violent,
A response with the last trace of air,
In exchange to holding on to a world
His world, even more real than their
Cage with their own greed a sword,
There he stands grieving his own childhood,
And their he grieves their most dreadful sin,
and he shuts his eyes as tight as he could
So tell me, poet, lover, friend, father, twin,
In your world, does the devil still win?

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Night The Shells Changed You

His fingers moved on them back and forth,
Each one holding a million years of worth,
And they ended up in his young strong hand,
Was it always made for him? a gift from the sand,
Sea tides and the last breath of a creature,
And from her, this strong and silent preacher
When she gave them away he did not stop to look
At how the tears in her sparkling eyes shook,
He knew tears, he knew she was scared even though
She was too brave as to let it show,
And he knew his fear too, that's why he so quickly
Hid them away, their edges seemed old and prickly,
they seemed wise and they might have spilled
Secrets that so long his black box had filled,
Their hollowness, look at their core so hollow,
Did picking them up ever sooth her sorrow?
Was I hard to miss?
Did she listen to them and remember our kiss
in their cavernous tides? much like her love
Always sinking deeper, but taking her above,
There, her eyes in them started to appear
In the hollowness to bid the night clear
I remember how she said something about
them having magical powers to clear all the doubt,
and I remember seeing her without really seeing her,
and feeling their magic in such a colorful blur,
If only I can run my fingers on their ridges
without fear of burning her crystal bridges,
If only she would know how those shells
Are such a threat if they cast their spells,
I'd bury them in wells, and to hell with the vow,
I'd throw them back into the sea if I only knew how,
He held in his hand all eight of them
A bridled white that he ought to condemn,
And he stood in the dead of night on the street,
Arms stretched, his hands marked by their heat,
He threw with all his might, but his hand refused
To obey his mind, then the riot diffused,
And soon his heart itself could not comply,
And then his mind fell motionless to their tie,
He would not do it, but he can not acknowledge
that her little shells had sharper than him an edge,
And the bridge, let him walk all over it tonight,
Will he try to throw them away again? He might.

I picked them up from the heart of the sand,
Washed them in the soul of the sea and
Thought that someday they were a home
for a poor creature that died at the foam
of his violent world after having lived deep
After joy lit up high and fear down did creep,
But he died alone and now his home was hollow,
So I took his home for my home to borrow
And maybe when he finds his home someday
He'll need a home to give her,so he'll give them away,
Maybe then their spell would set him free,
God, How I wish they would eventually return to me.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

How Do I Love Thee?

My soul fell silent but my pen still demands
Satisfaction for my tongue’s transgressions and
My heart’s conspiracy against my mind’s sanity,
How could you be so childish as to put your faith’s clarity
Into an Odyssey of color? An artistic fallacy
Simplistic in all its depth and rich in frantic malady.
All the wisdom, peace and light of sages fall short,
Of treating symptoms of that austere sort,
For all what sages do is to touch the mind,
You see, mind’s nothing to do with diseases of that kind,
All its power, so overrated by the world, tumbles down
At the sight of so much as your beloved’s frown,
So what is the use of pens when the soul is mute?
Even when my heart bears enough of fruit
To feed the whole lot of Africa for centuries ahead,
And still I leave them to rot under my bed,
They turn black slowly, like the inside of my skin,
They lose their volume like my patience running thin,
And sin? Of all the reasons, why has god created sin?
For girls like me to run to, at the sight of every lost win?
For men’s decisions to seem relevant? For the whim
To be more meaningful? For our imaginations to swim
In oceans deep without of the fear of losing breath?
You know imagination dies the moment it senses death,
But not mine, I’ve reached for death willingly so many times,
It has been a most prominent theme in my rhymes
Since I first died at the hands of a fleeting knight
Who lost his place in the kingdom and rode out of sight,
And ever since he disappeared, I’ve died for all the same
Reasons, the same tunes, and I’m the one to blame,
Even though they had all the weapons sharp and ready,
It’s my fault entirely for making their hands so steady,
In the process of my slaughter, on the altar of daymares,
At the feet of happily ever after, now at the feet of a pier,
And how do I love thee? Let me count the ways,
I love thee in the dreams of the sun, and when the moon prays,
I love thee like a stream of light with all the universe’s stars
Wrapped inside it and rushing to its cage’s invisible bars
To expand then implode in colors never discovered and
I love thee with the color in painter’s eyes and poet’s hand,
I love thee with the passion of witches for hidden nature,
And got them burned by the fire of the same creature,
Consumed, ashes to ashes, ashes back to earth,
And whatever ends in earth must look upon a rebirth,
So ashes to ashes, love, I know I’ve said it before,
Go unheard of, go free, go captured underneath the floor,
My love is not for owning, it’s for my poetry alone,
My soul if not for yearning, would’ve turned to stone.