Tuesday, 18 October 2011

From the Red Gardens


The End of Space,
In the secret locked room,
Where young stars come to bloom,
The souls of the dead met,
To discuss the awful threat
On the burdened human heart,
And the eldest shrugged ‘’Where do I start?
The men, to ruins tumbling down,
The women, are valued by the jewel and gown,
Children abandoned in the streets like stray mice,
I’m surprised their suns are bright enough to rise’’
And above the howling enthusiastic cloud,
Rose the youngest but still the most proud,
‘’I look at that rock covered with ice,
And I know exactly what will suffice,
To save the hearts of humans from doom,
They need a creature within them to bloom.’’


And sky above us was ever as black
When taken over by a moonless night attack,
With troops and tanks of silence that orbit it,
The only resistance, the whistles of a cricket,
A soldier in the dark, the only sign
That life will survive another day in the timeline,
And from my window I looked out,
With a mouthful of hope and a heart full of doubt,
I gazed upon the endless road of concrete,
The whistles a harmony to my faint heart beat,
Floating in a cloud of dust and lies,
Blinding my vision and blocking my cries,
Is there no defeating the night?
Oh, how much I want to forfeit the fight,
This town might as well be long dead,
I closed my curtains and went to bed.


The slayer of the night,
Has come from afar burning bright,
And now she’s here,
Her breath is far but her warmth is near,
She circled the earth like a swift ray
Of white and tranquillity, then just flying away
To another eye that needs to see
What beauty in this life can truly be,
Her wings in the wind throwing a spark,
At the resilient soldiers of the dark,
And her fires take away the daily hell,
Burying it deep inside a hidden well,
The blessing of heaven from the gardens of red
And yellow and orange is here to spread
Her flames over the land and the sea,
O, Phoenix, will you shine on me?


And sky above us turned blue again,
The sun masking the trails of pain,
In the men’s cheers and the women’s chuckles,
Her child at play and her baby’s suckles.
And I walked outside, eyes on the sky,
Where did your flames in the morning lie,
I asked humankind ‘’did you see
The queen of the night that will set us free?’’
But the man still had the same pain in his eye,
The woman’s laugh still hid a loud cry,
O, Phoenix, why did they miss your fire,
Why don’t you give them for life a desire?
Heal our pain with your soothing tears,
Burn away our frozen fears,
Their ignorance filled you with the deepest gashes,
But I have faith you’ll rise from the ashes.

Someday the world will sleep without ever another blink,
And you’ll be my Atlantis that in the oceans of time did sink,
Then when the heart is in need you’ll come through space,
Eternally, the Beginning of Your Grace.


  1. have you ever thought of writing lyrics I think you will be very good at
    that one is worth for a good gothic rock song

    I really can imagine emmy lee or carly smithson singing it :)

  2. well, i've never tried writting lyrics before mostly cuz it's usually not spacious enough to contain the meanings...
    but if i ever write lyrics and amy lee sings it, i think i would die of excitement, and if carly smithson sings it, i would die of embarrassment
